Setting up the site

This website marks a significant milestone in my career as a writer. Okay, ‘career.’ No, writing is not my primary career, although, actually in a real sense it is, just not fiction writing. One of the mistakes that I have made (nobody’s perfect, right?) is that I had not set up a personal website earlier on in the game. I mean yeah, I’m promoting my books here but that is not the primary purpose of this website. The primary purpose is to expose who I am, and what makes me tick, to my readers.

This is actually a fun venue. It’s almost a new art form. Actually, it is a new art form. I am not an IT/web tech junkie. I used to be, back in the 90’s, but that was the Internet equivalent of arrows, large rocks and sepulchres. There are some elements of graphic design (I have designed most of my book covers myself) and creative writing. It’s all creative writing to me. Right now, as of publication of this post, this site is basically a bookmark not ready for full launch yet. If you’re reading it, check back frequently.


Making some progress