How did Bruce get his start?
Bruce started out in cold war West Germany as an enlisted Army Infantry soldier. Once he became an NCO, he was selected for Warrant Officer Commission School, for the parallel helicopter training track, then latereled over to MI to become a field agent. Typical? No. Possible? Yes. I didn’t make this stuff up on my own. I used to drink with those guys, when I wasn’t working around them.
Many of the back stories reflect cold war Germany. Why? I’m glad you asked. It’s kind of a personal thing. Everyone knows what Vietnam was like. There are countless movies, and tens of thousands of hours of media footage depicting the Vietnam war. Grenada, it it’s short lived spotlight, was well documented and presented. So is every major American conflict since and including Desert Storm. Hell, most of the Afghanistan war is documented through troops wearing Go Pros.
There are two conflicts that are conspicuously absent of public media submersion. There is Central America, the very not-secret war that was no secret but nobody noticed. In the late seventies and early eighties, we had a huge presence in Honduras, Panama and Nicaragua. That was before my time. The other one was cold war Germany. No, there wasn’t actually a ‘war’ per se but we were in a state of deployment, and we almost got into it more than once at the Fulda Gap. There have been border skirmishes. Yet, the general public knows pretty much nothing about it. Media coverage of the era is sketchy at best, so I like to keep the spirit of the era alive even though my back stories are complete fiction. Nothing wrong with that. There are plenty of fictionalized accounts of ‘Nam, Korea, WWI and WWII that capture the spirit.
Oh, the picture. Your author, circa mid 80’s. Early on in his career.