Alex Ryan

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Let’s make learning fun

The two soldiers were perched on a rocky ledge overlooking the valley below. They could hear the steady beat of an approaching helicopter rotor. Jackson clutched his Stinger antiaircraft missile. “You hear that?”

Rodwell squinted as a figure slowly emerged in the receding daylight. “Yeah. I sure do.”

“Wha…wha what should we do?”

“Sarge said to shoot down any approaching enemy aircraft.”

“But I can’t tell what it is!”

“Hold on.” Rodwell grabbed his binoculars. “Okay, yeah, I got it pretty clearly.”

“What is it then?” Jackson begged, as he pointed the Stinger at the approaching target.

“It’s um… It’s an… It’s an ace of spades!”

Well it was a good try anyway. In theory, aircraft recognition playing cards should be a great training aid, except that drunken poker sessions aren’t necessarily the best learning environment. I was just watching a series of Japanese English language learning videos featuring three ladies dressed in small sparsely covering leotards who perform synchronised movements to an electronic dance soundtrack while repeating common phrases in English, choreographed to match the beat. Entertaining? Absolutely. Effective? I kind of doubt it. Oh, and you would be remiss in not checking out the Zuiiken Girls english language video.

How would you make learning fun?