The plot thickens

So, the subject picture is a D size (actually, I guess it will technically do E size) engineering plotter. It prints very large plan sets. It isn’t really all that old, yet it hasn’t been used in probably fifteen years. We don’t do things the same way we did fifteen years ago. The days of hard copy printed plan sets, at least in large format, have been over for some time.

That said, it still has a use. It wasn’t cheap. It was upwards of $5K new. It’s heavy. It’s complex. It’s capable. It can print you one hell of a banner, or a detailed map or graphic that you might mount to a foam board for a presentation or a class.

And it’s a boat anchor. You would THINK that the company that made it would find a way for newer computers to work with it, but, no bueno. Their attitude? It’s “old” and “outdated.” What, a six thousand dollar machine which, mechanically, is perfectly functional, and useful, and the only reason I can’t use it is because newer computers can’t talk to it?

Let’s just say that the company that made it has competitors. And let’s just say that the company that made it has made its competitors stronger.

That’s the end of my rant. Project wise, I’m still working on the next Bruce Highland novel, but some events have occurred that have taken some precedence. Those of you that know me, know I’m a big fan of aviation. Granted I haven’t been flying much lately (long story) but I am getting back in to it, and I am actually going to be teaching a portion of aviation ground class for a local flight school. I look forward to it. It’s a volunteer affair, but I look forward to giving back, and hopefully inspiring younger and older individuals interested in aviation.


How about hiking?


Laptop or desktop?