Veteran’s Day observations
Sometimes it comes up in conversation that I am a veteran, particularly as we approach Veteran’s Day. The sentiment is often “thank you for your service.” I’ve always felt a little weird about that. I grew up in a military family mostly on military bases, and to me, my parents, my friends, and everyone around us, being military was just another job. I didn’t sign up out of a sense of service, obligation, or patriotism. When I was growing up, and actively serving, placing servicemembers and veterans on a pedestal wasn’t a thing.
The fact of the matter is, in addition to being a way of life that was familiar to me, I signed up so I could do cool things and play with cool toys. I went Army Infantry because I wanted to be a professional in my chosen field, which was the conduct of war. Some folks’ occupation involves baking ovens and dough mixers. Others saws and framing hammers. Or trucks and forklifts. Mine involved assault rifles and infantry fighting vehicles - oh, and wire guided antitank missiles and machine guns, both of which I was apparently very good with. An added bonus was that I generally did not have to decide what to wear to work.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m proud of what I did, but it’s a sense of personal pride. I wasn’t in it for ribbons or medals or Hollywood style recognition. Some guys were, but they were the exception and not the rule. To be honest, the life of an infantry soldier generally sucks, but it has its moments. It’s those moments that are the reason that we stick with it. I think that you, as a professional soldier, have to look at it as a profession, and not as some sort of service in the protection of your country, because if you did, you probably would get disillusioned fairly quickly.
Most people that don’t know me assume I’m either a cop or current or ex military. I guess I just look that way since I still wear a high and tight haircut. If you want to give me a discount, sure, I’ll take it but I don’t ask for or expect one.
I do however respect my fellow veterans. In particular, my grandfather, who gave his life during World War II. He actually did voluntarily sign up in order to fight for his country. He is a true hero in my opinion.