Let’s talk reviews!

No, I don’t mean book reviews. A little bit about Alex - in addition to his propensity to refer to himself in the third person, he also likes leaving reviews to eating establishments that he has patronized (switching back to first person.) That’s right, I used to use a popular review site - I’m not going to say which one but it’s reminiscent of a wounded dog and you can probably figure it out easy enough. Well, I recently left a review of a new sandwich shop that was basically a gas station food concession. In fact, it wasn’t just ‘basically’ a gas station food concession, it ‘was’ a gas station food concession. And by the way I left them a good review.

The owners of the gas station food concession were offended that their establishment was identified as a gas station food concession, and complained to the wounded dog, who in turn accused me of being stereotypical and insensitive and yanked my review. My sense of humor and objectivity is apparently incompatible with the wounded dog’s new house rules. So we’ll just send it back to the pound and move on. I don’t know, maybe the gas station food concession self-identified as being a five star restaurant led by a world famous chef. I call things as I see them. Needless to say, their threats of suspending my account are rather hollow considering I’m done with them anyway. What’s the point of this? I’m venting. It’s a blog. I get to vent on my own blog.


Bicycling & burgers


What a crock, huh?